1. 对于482签证申请人,若职业在MLTSSL上,签证的最长有效期是4年。
2. 注意以上所说的MLTSSL是雇主担保职业列表,而不是技术移民的职业列表。
Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List (MLTSSL) (2022年11月2日更新) |
序号 |
职业代码 |
职业名称 |
评估机构 |
备注 |
1 |
111111 | Chief Executive or Managing Director 首席执行官或常务董事 | AIM | 5 |
2 |
111211 | Corporate General Manager 公司总经理 | AIM | 5 |
3 |
construction project manager 施工项目经理 |
4 |
engineering manager 工程经理 |
5 |
child care centre manager 儿童护理中心经理 |
6 |
nursing clinical director 临床护理主任 |
ANMAC | ||
7 |
primary health organisation manager 初级卫生机构管理者 |
8 |
welfare centre manager 福利中心经理 |
9 | Faculty Head 系主任 | VETASSESS | ||
10 | Chief Information Officer 首席信息官 | ACS | ||
11 | Arts Administrator or Manager 艺术类管理者或经理 | VETASSESS | ||
12 | Environmental Manager 环境经理 | VETASSESS | ||
13 | Dancer or Choreographer 舞蹈演员及编舞 | VETASSESS | ||
14 | Music Director 音乐总监 | VETASSESS | ||
15 | Musician (Instrumental) 音乐家(器乐) | VETASSESS | ||
16 | Artistic Director 艺术总监 | VETASSESS | ||
17 |
Accountant (General)会计师(普通) |
6,19,21 | ||
18 |
Management Accountant 管理会计师 |
6,19,21 | ||
19 |
taxation accountant 纳税会计 |
6,19,21 | ||
20 |
external auditor 外审 |
21 |
internal auditor 内审 |
22 |
actuary 精算师 |
23 | Statistician 统计学家 | VETASSESS | ||
24 | Economist 经济学家 | VETASSESS | ||
25 |
land economist 土地经济学家 |
26 |
valuer 估价师 |
27 |
management consultant 管理顾问 |
19,21,23 | ||
28 |
architect 建筑师 |
29 |
landscape architect 景观设计师 |
30 |
surveyor 测量员 |
31 |
cartographer 制图师 |
32 |
other spatial scientist 其他空间科学家 |
33 |
chemical engineer 化学工程师 |
34 |
materials engineer 材料工程师 |
35 |
civil engineer 土木工程师 |
36 |
geotechnical engineer 岩土工程师 |
37 |
quantity surveyor 工料测量师 |
38 |
structural engineer 结构工程师 |
39 |
transport engineer 交通工程师 |
40 |
electrical engineer 电气工程师 |
41 |
electronics engineer 电子工程师 |
42 |
industrial engineer 工业工程师 |
43 |
mechanical engineer 机械工程师 |
44 |
production or plant engineer 生产或工厂工程师 |
45 | Mining Engineer (Excluding Petroleum) 采矿工程师(石油除外) | Engineers Australia | ||
46 | Petroleum Engineer 石油工程师 | Engineers Australia | ||
47 |
aeronautical engineer 航空工程师 |
48 |
agricultural engineer 农业工程师 |
49 |
biomedical engineer 生物医学工程师 |
50 |
engineering technologist 工程技术员 |
51 |
environmental engineer 环境工程师 |
52 |
naval architect 海军建筑师 |
53 | Engineering Professionals nec 其他工程专业人员 | Engineers Australia | ||
54 |
agricultural consultant 农业顾问 |
55 |
agricultural scientist 农业科学家 |
56 |
forester 林务员 |
57 | Chemist 化学家 | VETASSESS | ||
58 | Food Technologist 食品工艺师 | VETASSESS | ||
59 | Environmental Consultant 环境顾问 | VETASSESS | ||
60 | Environmental Research Scientist 环境研究科学家 | VETASSESS | ||
61 | Environmental Scientists nec 其他环境科学家 | VETASSESS | ||
62 | Geophysicist 234412 地球物理学家 | VETASSESS | ||
63 | Hydrogeologists 水文地质学家 | VETASSESS | ||
64 | Life Scientist (General) 生命科学家(普通) | VETASSESS | ||
65 | Biochemist 生物化学家 | VETASSESS | ||
66 | Biotechnologist 生物技术专家 | VETASSESS | ||
67 | Botanist 植物学家 | VETASSESS | ||
68 | Marine Biologist 海洋生物学家 | VETASSESS | ||
69 | Microbiologist 微生物学家 | VETASSESS | ||
70 | Zoologist 动物学家 Zoologist | VETASSESS | ||
71 | Life Scientists nec 其他生命科学家 | VETASSESS | ||
72 |
medical laboratory scientist 医疗实验室科学家 |
73 |
veterinarian 兽医 |
74 | Conservator 自然保护者 | VETASSESS | ||
75 | Metallurgist 冶金学家 | VETASSESS | ||
76 | Meteorologist 气象学家 | VETASSESS | ||
77 |
physicist 物理学家 |
See subsection 2 |
78 | Natural and Physical Science Professionals nec 其他自然和物理科学专业人员 | VETASSESS | ||
79 |
early childhood (pre‑primary school) teacher 早教(学前)教师 |
80 |
secondary school teacher 中学教师 |
81 |
special needs teacher 特殊需求教师 |
82 |
teacher of the hearing impaired 听力障碍教师 |
83 |
teacher of the sight impaired 视力障碍教师 |
84 |
special education teachers (nec) 特殊教育教师(未分类) |
85 | University Lecturer 大学讲师 | VETASSESS | ||
86 |
medical diagnostic radiographer 医疗放射诊断技师 |
87 |
medical radiation therapist 医疗放射治疗师 |
88 |
nuclear medicine technologist 核医学技师 |
89 |
sonographer 超声波检验师 |
90 |
optometrist 验光师 |
91 |
orthotist or prosthetist 义肢矫形师 |
92 |
chiropractor 脊椎按摩师 |
93 |
osteopath 整骨疗法师 |
94 |
occupational therapist 职业理疗师 |
95 |
physiotherapist 物理治疗师 |
96 |
podiatrist 足病医生 |
97 |
audiologist 听力学家 |
98 |
speech pathologist 语言病理学家 |
99 |
general practitioner 全科医生 |
100 |
specialist physician (general medicine) 专科医生(全科医学) |
101 |
cardiologist 心脏病专家 |
102 |
clinical haematologist 临床血液学学者 |
103 |
medical oncologist 医学肿瘤学家 |
104 |
endocrinologist 内分泌学家 |
105 |
gastroenterologist 胃肠病学家 |
106 |
intensive care specialist 重症监护专家 |
107 |
neurologist 神经学家 |
108 |
paediatrician 儿科医生 |
109 |
renal medicine specialist 肾内科专家 |
110 |
rheumatologist 风湿病学家 |
111 |
thoracic medicine specialist 胸部医学专家 |
112 |
specialist physicians (nec) 专科医生 |
113 |
psychiatrist 精神病医生 |
114 |
surgeon (general) 外科医师(普通) |
115 |
cardiothoracic surgeon 心脏外科医师 |
116 |
neurosurgeon 神经外科医生 |
117 |
orthopaedic surgeon 矫形外科医师 |
118 |
otorhinolaryngologist 耳鼻喉科学家 |
119 |
paediatric surgeon 儿科医生 |
120 |
plastic and reconstructive surgeon 整形外科医师 |
121 |
urologist 泌尿科医师 |
122 |
vascular surgeon 血管外科医生 |
123 |
dermatologist 皮肤科医生 |
124 |
emergency medicine specialist 急诊医学专家 |
125 |
obstetrician and gynaecologist 妇产科医生 |
126 |
ophthalmologist 眼科专家 |
127 |
pathologist 病理学家 |
128 |
diagnostic and interventional radiologist 诊断于放射科医生 |
129 |
radiation oncologist 放射肿瘤医生 |
130 |
medical practitioners (nec) 执业医生(未分类) |
24 | ||
131 |
midwife 助产士 |
132 |
nurse practitioner 从业护士 |
133 |
registered nurse (aged care) 注册护士(老年护理) |
134 |
registered nurse (child and family health) 注册护士(儿童和家庭健康) |
135 |
registered nurse (community health) 注册护士(社区卫生服务) |
136 |
registered nurse (critical care and emergency) 注册护士(重症监护和急救) |
137 |
registered nurse (developmental disability) 注册护士(发展迟缓) |
138 |
registered nurse (disability and rehabilitation) 注册护士(残疾和康复) |
139 |
registered nurse (medical) 注册护士(医学) |
140 |
registered nurse (medical practice) 注册护士(医疗实践) |
141 |
registered nurse (mental health) 注册护士(心理健康) |
142 |
registered nurse (perioperative) 注册护士(围手术期) |
143 |
registered nurse (surgical) 注册护士(手术) |
144 |
registered nurse (paediatrics) 注册护士(儿科) |
145 |
registered nurses (nec) 注册护士(未分类) |
146 |
ICT business analyst ICT业务分析师 |
147 |
systems analyst 系统分析师 |
148 | Multimedia Specialist 多媒体专家 | ACS | ||
149 |
analyst programmer 程序分析员 |
150 |
developer programmer 程序开发员 |
151 |
software engineer 软件工程师 |
152 | 261399 |
Software and Applications Programmers nec 其他软件和应用程序员 |
ACS | |
153 |
ICT security specialist 信息和通信技术安全专家 |
154 |
computer network and systems engineer 计算机网络和系统工程师 |
155 |
telecommunications engineer 电信工程师 |
156 |
telecommunications network engineer 电信网络工程师 |
157 |
barrister 律师 |
a legal admissions authority of a State or Territory |
158 |
solicitor 律师 |
a legal admissions authority of a State or Territory |
159 |
clinical psychologist 临床心理学 |
160 |
educational psychologist 教育心理学家 |
161 |
organisational psychologist 组织心理学家 |
162 |
psychologists (nec) 心理学家(未分类) |
163 |
social worker 社工 |
164 |
civil engineering draftsperson 土木工程绘图员 |
165 |
civil engineering technician 土木工程技术员 |
166 |
electrical engineering draftsperson 电气工程绘图员 |
167 |
electrical engineering technician 电气工程技术员 |
168 |
radio communications technician 无线电通信技术员 |
169 |
telecommunications field engineer 电信现场工程师 |
170 |
telecommunications network planner 电信网络规划师 |
171 |
telecommunications technical officer or technologist 电信技术人员或技师 |
172 |
automotive electrician 汽车电工 |
173 |
motor mechanic (general) 汽车技工(普通) |
174 |
diesel motor mechanic 柴油汽车技工 |
175 |
motorcycle mechanic 摩托车技工 |
176 |
small engine mechanic 小型发动机技工 |
177 |
sheetmetal trades worker 钣金行业工人 |
178 |
metal fabricator 金属装配工 |
179 |
pressure welder 压力焊工 |
180 |
welder (first class) 焊工(一级) |
181 |
fitter (general) 钳工(普通) |
182 |
fitter and turner 钳工和车床工 |
183 |
fitter‑welder 钳工和焊工 |
184 |
metal machinist (first class) 金属机械师(一级) |
185 |
locksmith 锁匠 |
186 |
panelbeater 钣金工人 |
187 |
bricklayer 瓦工 |
188 |
stonemason 石匠 |
189 |
carpenter and joiner 木工和细木工 |
190 |
carpenter 木匠 |
191 |
joiner 细木工 |
192 |
painting trades worker 喷绘工人 |
193 |
glazier 玻璃工 |
194 |
fibrous plasterer 纤维石膏师 |
195 |
solid plasterer 固体石膏师 |
196 |
wall and floor tiler 墙壁和地面瓷砖工 |
197 |
plumber (general) 管道工(普通) |
198 |
airconditioning and mechanical services plumber 空调和机械服务水管工 |
199 |
drainer 下水道工 |
200 |
gasfitter 煤气工 |
201 |
roof plumber 屋顶水暖工 |
202 |
electrician (general) 电工(普通) |
203 |
electrician (special class) 电工(特种) |
204 |
lift mechanic 电梯维修工 |
205 |
airconditioning and refrigeration mechanic 空调和制冷技工 |
206 |
technical cable jointer 电缆接线技工 |
207 |
electronic equipment trades worker 电子设备行业工人 |
208 |
electronic instrument trades worker (general) 电子仪器行业工人(普通) |
209 |
electronic instrument trades worker (special class) 电子仪器行业工人(特级) |
210 |
chef 主厨 |
7,8 |
211 | Horse Trainer 驯马师 | TRA | ||
212 |
cabinetmaker 细木工 |
213 |
boat builder and repairer 船舶构造和维修工 |
214 |
shipwright 造船工人 |
215 | Tennis Coach 网球教练 | VETASSESS | ||
216 | Footballer 足球运动员 | VETASSESS | 25 |
备注(Applicable circumstances):
序号 |
职位 |
1 |
不要求至少两年相关的工作经验。 |
2 |
职位的年薪少于6万5澳币。 |
3 |
(a)职位的年薪少于AUD65,000; 并且 |
4 |
(a) 职位的年薪少于AUD80,000; 并且 |
5 |
(a)年薪少于180,001澳币; 并且 (b)申请人不是跨国公司员工内部调动. |
6 |
职位是文员,簿记员,会计文职人员. |
7 |
职位是基于工厂背景的大规模生产的职位。 |
8 |
职位是在一家提供有限的服务的饭店。 |
9 |
职位职位主要负责低技能的工作。 例1:排班,记录,分配职责给服务员,搬运工和看门人 例2: 采摘水果或喂养牲畜或动物 例3: 驾驶卡车。 |
10 |
职位不在澳洲偏远地区 |
11 |
(a) 职位是一线零售; 或者 |
12 |
职位: |
13 |
这个职位的主要职责涉及到美发或美容疗法相关的非管理性工作. |
14 |
(a) 职业不在商业建筑大楼或者购物中心的环境中 例:管理针对一种设备的清洁合同而不是与设备有关的其他合同. |
15 |
(a) 职位基于一线零售环境, |
16 |
职位与维修手机相关 |
17 |
职位与大规模或标准化生产相关(与专业化生产相反),具体包括: (i) 将成品或半成品的食物销售到另一地点; 或者 (ii) 主要涉及使用从其他地点预先准备好的食品. |
18 |
职位与畜牧业相关,包括在农场照顾家畜 |
19 |
该职位的雇主年营业额少于100万澳币. |
20 |
(a)该职位的雇主年营业额少于100万澳币; 并且 |
21 |
雇主员工少于5人. |
22 |
(a)雇主员工少于5人; 并且 |
23 |
职位的年薪少于9万澳币。 |
24 |
此职位申请人还未向移民局提交健康劳动证明。 |
25 |
职位的年薪少于12万澳币。 |